Information Alert?Friday is upon us and therefore it’s time to meet another member of the team – our CIO Julian Bee:

Aka: JB

Role: Chief Information Officer

Favourite Food: Pretty much anything with salted caramel in it.

Favourite Band: Pink Floyd. Though I am crushing hard on Brothers Osbourne at the moment.

Favourite Movie: As an ex-projectionist from back in the day, there are many, but one I watch with nerdy regularity is Blackhawk Down.

Favourite Craft Beer: Anything that blows your head off with hops. Double IPA or go home.

Dream Car: I do love my Hilux, but I wouldn’t say no to an old ‘71 Lamborghini Miura.

Hobbies: Ultra-distance trail running, Woodworking @MamakuWoodshop, Board games, Beer brewing.

Best Dad Joke: What did the pirate say on his 80th birthday? Ayye Matey.

Best part about working at Silicon: Every new customer conversation brings a new opportunity to solve a business challenge with technology.

Next week meet the newest addition to the team – Anton ??our Business Development Manager.

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