Unified cyber security threats and vulnerability prevention, detection, response and forensic solutions.
Advanced Threat Protection from Silicon is an autonomous, AI-driven threat prevention, detection and response platform to keep your business safe from tomorrow’s threats – all at machine speed. Leveraging cutting-edge cyber security threat intelligence, our IT consultants provide a multi-layered defence system that identifies and neutralises threats before they can impact your operations.
The speed and sophistication of cyber-threats have evolved, leaving traditional anti-virus systems behind.
The key to effective threat protection lies in the ability to uncover and behaviourally detect advanced threats, and respond at machine speed.
This is the essence of Silicon’s cyber security threat intelligence. It prevents and detects attacks across all major threat vectors, rapidly eliminating attacks with automated response capabilities and real-time forensics.
Here’s how Silicon Threat Protection keeps businesses safe:
Powered by SentinelOne, artificial intelligence (AI) on the device agent prevents attacks in real-time. Consistently ranked for highest efficacy and lowest false-positives, SentineOne’s static AI model replaces legacy anti-virus solutions.
Behavioural AI recognises malicious actions regardless of vector. SentinelOne is the only endpoint security platform to detect fileless, zero-day and nation-grade attacks in real time.
Our platform’s behavioural AI can surgically reverse and remove any malicious activity or software. With just one click, our 24/7 response team can reverse all un-authorised changes that may have occurred, effectively rolling back the attack.
All protected environments are also monitored 24/7 by our Security Operations Centre. Any threats are investigated in real-time, to ensure they are locked down and remediated immediately.
Each time our agent finds a new, never-before seen malicious binary, it instantly flags it and notifies all other agents on the network, rendering other devices immune to the attack.
$1m Guarantee
Our platform provides a $1 million warranty to cover costs for Ransomware in the unliklihood it is unable to protect or remediate. While it’s not likely you’ll need it, it’s nice to know you’re covered.
Download the Silicon Threat Protection Solution Brief:
To find out more about how Silicon can protect your business, call us today on 04 499 4999.